Rowan's Law - Concussion Safety
Information booklets by age category: please select and review.
Age 10 and under Age 11-14 Age 15 and over
For both Athletes and Parents/Guardians: please review.
Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form
It is mandatory to review the links above, and provide the Club with a signed copy of the Acknowledgment Form. Printed copies of the Form are available in the Mitchell Field Office.
You may already be aware that aspects of Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 and Ontario Regulation 161/19 (the regulations that support Rowan’s Law) came into effect on July 1, 2019. Additional aspects will come into effect on July 1, 2020.
The immediate impact is the requirement under this law that all skaters under the age of 26, parents (if the skater is under the age of 18 years), coaches, officials and other designated persons have confirmed they have reviewed the required Concussion Awareness Resources and Concussion Codes of Conduct before becoming registered for the ensuing season.
Printed copies of the Acknowledgement Form are available in the Mitchell Field office for signing, or you can print your own copy from the link above.
Additional Resources: