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New Members

How do I set up an Account?

Click the Login link at the top right of our website.
The person creating the account must be 18 years of age or older.
Fill out the First Time Registering? section and click on Create Account.
Add each person who will be registering for skating sessions as a participant.

My child has never skated before. Can I sign them up for a Learn to Skate class? 

Yes. The Learn to Skate program has a specifically designed program for those who have no or very little skating ability. 

Children ages 3 - 5 are eligible for Pre-CanSkate

Children ages 6 - 12 are eligible for CanSkate 1-6

Teens ages 13 - 17 are eligible for our Teen Learn to Skate

My child is under 3 but has skated at another club. Can I register them for a program?

For new Club skaters ages 3 - 5, proof of completion of Pre-CanSkate or equivalent is required to be eligible for CanSkate 1-6.
Send us a copy of the skater's report card from the previous skating school/club.

Do you offer adult classes? Can I sign up for an adult class if I have never skated before?

Yes. We offer an Adult/Teen Learn to Skate program. It is a multi-level session for skaters ages 13+. Skaters are grouped by their skill level.

I am a STARSkater from another club. What documentation is required to prove my STAR Level?

All levels require proof of completion of the prerequisite level. 
Achievements need to be added to the skater's profile by our staff prior to program registration.
Send us a picture or a copy of the skater's report card, assessment results or competition results from the previous skating school/club. 

Are there any trial classes? Can my child try out for a few classes before signing up?

No. We are a Skate Canada sanctioned club. All skaters must be registered with Skate Canada before they can step on the ice. Your registration fee includes the program fee, the annual Club Membership fee and the Skate Canada fee. 

What should my child bring and wear to their skating session?

Layers of clothing are preferable for skaters. Snow suits and bulky clothes restrict the skater’s movement. Gloves instead of the mittens are preferred.

Where can I buy skates and a helmet?

We recommend that you buy your skates and helmet from a store that can fit your skates properly.
These include: Figure Skating Boutique, SportChek or any other sporting goods stores.

Do you rent/sell skates and helmets?

No. You must buy your skates/helmets from a sporting goods store such as the Figure Skating Boutique or SportChek.


Ice Safety

Why can't I leave my child unattended during skating sessions?

Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to be left unattended by a parent for safety reasons. While club coaches are trained in first aid, an ambulance will be called for serious injuries. A parent or guardian must be available in these situations.

I was told that the all‐purpose helmet is fine for skating. Why can't my child use it?

Only CSA approved hockey helmets are acceptable for skaters. Other helmets do not protect the forehead and back of the head. Children fall most often face forward and without adequate protection, will suffer head injuries.
Face masks (cages) are mandatory for skaters 3 & 4 years of age and are highly recommended for young skaters or new skaters on the Pre-CanSkate and CanSkate sessions to protect their faces from impact with the ice. Children will fall, and we want to minimize or eliminate any injuries.

Are Combined Sessions safe?

Monday and Thursday 7:50pm - 9:00 pm are combined sessions for skaters working on STAR 5 and higher and for Adult Figure Skaters.
If safety is a concern on any combined sessions, skaters may be asked to skate on a session which is less crowded or more appropriate for them based on their skills or age.


Fees & Refunds

Are program fees prorated if I sign up after the program has started?

Program prices are automatically prorated online after the program has started.

Is the Upper Canada Club Fee (Club Membership fee) mandatory?

This fee is mandatory. Upper Canada Skating Club is a non-profit organization and fundraising is an important part of every non profit organization. The Club Membership Fee helps offset the rising costs of ice, coaching costs, utilities, insurance and many other expenses. 
Most organizations require every parent to participate in a fundraising event each season. We know it can be difficult for our members to find time to help us raise extra funds for the club. As a result, we have decided that a seasonal Club Membership Fee is the most cost‐effective and convenient way to raise money. 

What is the 'Skate Canada Fee' and is it mandatory?

The Skate Canada Fee is an annual membership fee due September 1st of each year. The fee covers the skater from September 1st to August 31st in any skating season. The club collects and submits this fee to Skate Canada when we register a skater with them. Skate Canada uses this fee to cover the costs of running a national skating organization, insuring our skaters, and supporting our local Skating Section.
As a Skate Canada sanctioned club, it is mandatory for us to collect this fee each season. We cannot allow skaters on our sessions unless they have paid the fee for the current season.

Are there make up days? Can I substitute days?

No. There is no substitution of days or make up classes under any circumstances.
Sessions that fall on statutory holidays, test days or days that Upper Canada is closed are not included in the program fees.

My child is in Pre-Canskate. Can they join the CanSkate warm up or cool down just before or after their session?

Skaters in the Pre-CanSkate session cannot join the warm-up or cool-down on the CanSkate session.

Does the club refund for missed classes?

No refunds for classes missed due to short term illness, vacations, holidays, competitions, tests, bad weather, maintenance, equipment failure, breakdowns, repairs or management disputes.
If you know in advance that you will be away for 4 weeks or more, please contact the club.
A refund may be considered due to an ongoing medical situation. The refund request must be in writing (or email), addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied with a doctor’s note. A $50 processing fee is charged for all refunds. 
There are no refunds for guest skate, test or club event fees once the fee is submitted.

What happens if I can’t skate due to a medical issue?

A refund may be considered due to an ongoing medical situation. The refund request must be in writing (or email), addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied with a doctor’s note. A $50 processing fee is charged for all refunds. 

I will be away on an extended vacation. Can I get a refund for the classes I miss?

If you know in advance that you will be away for 4 weeks or more, please contact the club.

Does Upper Canada have a 'Welcome Policy - Recreation Fee Subsidy'?

No. This policy is available through the City of Toronto.


STARSkate Program

What are "Assessment Days' or "STAR Assessments"? 

Assessment Days and STAR Assessments apply only to STARskaters (Skaters who have passed CanSkate program). These tests are submitted by the skater's private coach. Those skaters on the CanSkate and Pre-Canskate being assessed every time they are on the ice in their group lesson; there is no specific "test" day for these skaters.

I am a STARSkater from another club. What documentation is required to prove my STAR Level?

All levels require proof of completion of the prerequisite level. 
Achievements need to be added to the skater's profile by our staff prior to program registration.
Send us a picture or a copy of the skater's report card, assessment results or competition results from the previous skating school/club. 


Private Lessons

Which programs offer private lessons?

Skaters must be registered for one of our sessions to take private lessons from our coaches.

Ages 3 - 5 Pre-CanSkate: No private lessons.

Ages 6 - 12 CanSkate 1 - 6: Private lessons are on a separate session with additional cost for ice and coaching fee. 

Ages 12 - 17 Learn to Skate: Private lessons are available during the last 30 min. on the session.

Adult Learn to Skate: Private lessons are available during the last 30 min. on the session.

STARSkate: Private lessons allowed except during the group skill lesson.

Private lessons can only be taken on a session the skater is registered in.
Learn More

Can I take private lessons on a different day and time from my session?

No. Skaters may only take a private lesson on the same days and times as their regular sessions.
Learn More

Who can take private lessons at the club?

Skaters must be registered for one of our sessions to take private lessons from our coaches.
Learn More

Do you assign coaches for Private Lessons?

The club does not assign coaches for private lessons. You must choose your own coach from one of our club coaches.
Learn More

How do I hire a private coach?

Each coach has his or her own coaching style. Observe the coach on ice and his or her interaction with the skaters. Personal fit is very important.
Contact the coach directly. A list of coaches with their contact information and qualifications can be found on our Coaches page.
Make sure that your coach is available for the sessions on which the skater is skating. Not all coaches work at the club everyday. Scheduling must be arranged directly with the coach.
Learn More


Guest Skating & Public Access

Do you offer ticket ice?

No. We do not offer ticket ice or open ice sessions. We offer guest skating for club and non-club members who are skating at the STAR 3 and above level. Adult STARSkaters (figure skaters) may also guest skate at the club.
Outside coaches are not permitted to teach private lessons on our sessions. 

Which sessions allow guest skating?

Guest Skating is allowed on STAR 3 and above, and Adult StarSkate (18 and up).
Adult STARSkaters can only guest skate on the Adult STARSkate sessions.
Youth STARSkaters (5 - 17 years old) can only guest skate on STAR 3, 4 or 5-10 depending on their level.
Adult skaters who are at a CanSkate level are not allowed to guest skate on the Adult STARSkate sessions.
Skaters may only guest skate on the session they are qualified for unless permission is granted by the club.

Who can guest skate?

Guest skating is open to STARSkate skaters at STAR 3 or above and Adult STARSkaters.
Open to Club Members and Members from other Skate Canada sanctioned clubs who have a valid Skate Canada Membership for the current season (proof required).

Do I need an account to guest skate if I am a member of another Skate Canada club?

Yes. You must have an account with our club to guest skate.
1) Create a club account here ("First Time Registering" section).
    The "Member" is the parent/guardian; must be 18+.  "Participant" is the skater.  
2) Submit request at least 2 days in advance.
3) Wait for approval and an invoice will be sent by email.
4) Pay guest skating fee by e-Transfer to prior to the session.

Do I need to pay in advance to guest skate?

Yes. The guest skating fee is to be paid in advance by e-Transfer to

I paid to guest skate but missed my session. Can I get a refund?

No. Guest fees are non-refundable.

Do you have Public Skating?

No. Public Skating is a City of Toronto run program. You can find the schedule on the Mitchell Field Community Centre page on the City of Toronto website.

Can I rent ice from you?

No. Upper Canada rents their ice from the City of Toronto via a permit covering a specific number of days and hours to run our programs. If you want to rent ice,  you can search on the City of Toronto's website at Additional Ice Time For Sale.



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