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About Us

Whether you are an absolute beginner or are an advanced skater, Upper Canada Skating Club will foster your enthusiasm to help realize your goals. We offer Learn to Skate (CanSkate) and Figure Skating (STARSkate) programs for skaters of all ages: children (ages 3 and up), teens and adults. Everyone is welcome!

We are a proud member of Skate Canada and have been running skating programs in North York for over 75 years. As a part of Skate Ontario’s three-tier CanSkate Excellence Program (Engaged, Achieved, Exceeded), we are proud to have earned the Exceeded Standard. This means our club has achieved all standard guidelines set out by Skate Canada and has gone that extra step to offer an exceptional program to our skaters.

Club Operation

The club is a not for profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a Club Manager and an Office Administrator. Our club was founded in 1949.

Board of Directors & Staff

Club Policies & By-Laws

The club has its own policies and by-laws and is also bound by Skate Canada and Skate Ontario policies.

General Club Policies
Policy Documents
Club By-Laws
Skate Canada / Ontario Policies

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