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About Us

About Us

A non-profit organization and a proud member of Skate Canada. Upper Canada Skating Club has been offering skating lessons in North York since 1949.

Upper Canada Skating Club offers (Learn to Skate program) CanSkate and (Figure Skating program) STARSkate for skaters ages 3 and up.  


Have questions? Visit our FAQs pages. 

General FAQsDetailed FAQs

Skaters New to the Club who are Under-Age (ages 3-5 ) for CanSkate 1-6

For new Club skaters ages 3 - 5, proof of completion of Pre-CanSkate or equivalent is required to be eligible for CanSkate 1-6. Send us a copy of the skater's report card from the previous skating school/club.

STARSkaters New to the Club for the STAR 1-10 Program

 All levels require proof of completion of the pre-requisite level. 

Achievements need to be added to the skater's profile by our staff prior to program registration.

Send us a picture or a copy of the skater's report card, assessment results or competition results from the previous skating school/club. 

New Membership - How to Set Up An Account

STEP BY STEP Instructions

1.Click on "Login" located on the top righthand corner of our website. This will bring you to the account creation/login page.

2.First time registering with us? Complete the form under "First time registering?". This will create a Member/Family Account.

Account Member must be at least 18 years old.  Parents/guardians are members. Enter information of the parents/guardians and not the children's.

Address & Phone # - enter your current mailing address a phone # that we can reach you.

Communication Preferences - we communicate with our members by email. If you choose "NO", you WILL NOT receive any emails from us and will not receive any information or notice regarding registration, club events, club closure etc. 

3.Click "Create Account" after you have completed and reviewed the form. A member account will be generated.

4.Adding skaters (Participants). After you have created a member account, you will be taken to the Participant page. Add participants (ie. the actual skaters, your child(ren) or you if you will be taking skating lessons). Enter the skater's information.

Club Operation

Run by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a Club Manager and an Office Administrator.

Board of Directors & STAff   

Club Rules, Regulations & Safety

Rules are put into place for the safety and protection of all our staff and members. 

CLub Rules & Regulations

Rowan's Law - Concussion Safety

Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 and Ontario Regulation 161/19 (the regulations that support Rowan’s Law) came into effect on July 1, 2019. Additional aspects came into effect on July 1, 2020. 

Learn More