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CanSkate 1 - 6 Private Lessons
Contact coaches and make arrangements before registering for private lesson sessions. The Club does not assign a private coach to skaters.
Fall/Winter 2024-25 Schedule
- Private lesson sessions are open to skaters in CanSkate stage 1 to 6.
Please contact coaches and make arrangements before registering your children for the private lesson session. - Cost: $10 per 15 min session. Registration must be done for the whole season. Prorating will apply if you decide to take private lesson in mid season. This is the cost for ice fee, and is to be paid to the club.
- Cost for private/semi-private lessons is extra and is to be paid to the private coach directly. This is the fee for private lessons and is to be paid to the private coach.
- Skaters must be registered in one of the CanSkate 1-6 sessions to be able to take private lesson from a coach at the club.
- Skaters must register in one of the CanSkate 1-6 session to proceed with registering for the private lesson session on the same day. (eg. skater registered for Monday CanSkate A or B can register for the Monday private lesson session only)
- Each private lesson session is 15 minutes and skaters must be in a lesson with their private coach. At the end of the 15 min session, skaters must leave the ice.
- Skaters who registered for 2 x 15 min sessions must be in a lesson with their private coach for the entire 30 minutes.
- Skaters must select a private coach. Private or semi-private lessons are to be arranged directly with our coaches for availability and fees. The club does not assign a coach.
- Please contact the coach and make arrangements before registering your children for the private lesson session. Parents/Members may proceed with registration for their child(ren) without identifying a private coach. However, parents/members must inform the office who is your child(ren)'s private coach by email or in person before the start of their session. Skaters will not be allowed on the ice if the office does not have information on who the private coach is.
To pay the extra ice fee, register for a CanSkate 1 - 6 Private Lesson Session for each day you have arranged for private lessons.
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